Saturday, August 8, 2009


Depression, otherwise known as Major Depressive Disorder, is a type of mood disorder that are characterized by depressed mood or sadness that lasts more than 2 weeks with at least 5 out of the seven following symptoms:

  1. Changes in normal sleep pattern. The changes can come in the form of hypersomnia (more sleep than usual) or insomnia (less sleep than usual).

  2. Decrease or lack of interest in things that use to bring pleasure (e.g. hobbies, sex, friends).

  3. Excessive, unwarranted guilt ("If I was not around, my family would be better off").

  4. Decrease in energy level

  5. Decrease concentration or inability to make simple decisions.

  6. Changes in normal eating pattern. Appetite can increase or decrease.

  7. Slowing down of physical functioning.

  8. Presence of suicidal thoughts. It can be active thoughts (e.g. "This weekend while everyone is out, I am going to take all of my pills), or passive thoughts (e.g. "If I go to sleep tonight and never wake up, I really wouldn't care all that much").

Of course, like anything else, there are varying degrees of depression. But if few of these symptoms are present and have been there for more than 10 days, call someone to help you reach out for an appointment with a mental health professional. Things can be different, better. But going it alone may not be the answer.

For more information or an appointment, visit:

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